Posts Tagged ‘The Big Lunch’

All you need to know about Le Big Lunch 2013

June 10, 2013

Bonjour ! Over the next few days, members of the organising team will be going door to door talking to residents and giving them a hard copy letter with all of these details but in case you mislay them, here they are to refer to.

Click to access Communication%20to%20Residents%20June%202013.pdf

Any questions? Let the team know.

Prove To Me It Is Worthwhile (please…)

April 15, 2010

So, tomorrow night is the first meeting (7.30pm @ The Church House) and a key moment for me, as the interest in the street party has been a slow burn so far this year and on many occasions I’ve decided not to spend my time and energy on organising an event this year as I feel it is going to be too much work again and my time is limited.

However, as I’ve said in recent posts, my enthusiasm had been re-ignited by an increasing amount of discussions, offers of support and a good hopeful feeling brought on by improved weather and more sunlight and so I was feeling upbeat and determined to make things work and came home this evening to do some planning for tomorrow’s meeting.

BUT, soon after arriving back at my front door, whilst putting the bins away I was verbally abused by a group of young boys who I’m pretty sure don’t live in the street and who were on their way back from playing basketball in the park. As anyone who knows me will concur, I’m a pretty big bloke and after forty years it isn’t the first time I’ve heard such name-calling (nor will it be the last no doubt) but those kids are part of the wider community in this area and whilst I did in no way react to them shouting abuse at me all the way up the street, it did make me think that doing things to improve a community when that is what you get in return really isn’t worth the effort. Yet, I know that doing things for the community could help change this type of disrespect and bad behaviour so I’m in two minds…..

So, I’ve got a clear milestone in my mind for tomorrow’s meeting – if we don’t get 10 people at least in attendance who have the same fundamental community spirit as I do and who really want to make the street party work (maybe as a springboard to other community initiatives) then I’ll go with my current feeling, close the blog and Twitter site and will call it quits.

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Some info from The Big Lunch Organisers

March 28, 2010

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