Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Lots & lots of lots

May 24, 2012

At the street party meeting this evening we reviewed the lots for the auction and they are plentiful and varied. I’ll post a full list later next week so that you can start working out what you are going to bid for, but in the meantime, here are a couple of examples:

Babysitting, painting & decorating or plastering, meal for up to 6 cooked in your own home, original painting, original photograph, bottle of champagne, 1 to 1 art tuition.

Thinking caps on and dig deep 🙂

Nearly less than 2 weeks to go!

May 18, 2012

Well, two weeks on Sunday the Queens Road Big Jubilee Lunch takes place so here is a final reminder of all of the info you need (it will be less than two weeks when they get distributed on Sunday afternoon !)


The latest news from The Big Lunch

May 13, 2012

Latest newsletter received from the Big Lunch team – sorry it is a bit misaligned – not sure how to drop it in !

To view this message in your browser, please click here

Not long now!

In just over three weeks’ time we’ll be breaking out the bunting and getting ready for the biggest Big Lunch yet! We’re delighted that The Big Lunch has been widely reported in the media recently – including pieces in the Sun, The Times and The Mail on Sunday. Jenni Falconer also talked about the campaign on last week’s Lottery draw show.

Armagh, the orchard county of Ireland had a special visit from Patron of The Big Jubilee Lunch, The Duchess of Cornwall, who joined a group of the cities Saints and Scholars for an apple blossom themed early Big Jubilee Lunch last week. HRH also hosted a reception for Big Jubilee Lunchers in Scotland at The Palace of Holyroodhouse this week.



The Eden Project

Big Lunch trail at Eden
Visitors to the Eden Project can now follow a treasure-hunt across the site to seek out elements that make up a Big Lunch. Once they’ve found them all, their trail map can be exchanged for a packet of Big Lunch speedy salad seeds!

Free Champagne!
Champagne Lanson is proud to be The Official Champagne Partner of The Big Lunch, helping you celebrate this summer. Fancy adding some sparkle to your party?


The Eden Project

Bring a Tin
We’ve teamed up with FareShare and The Trussell Trust to challenge Big Lunchers to help combat food poverty and food waste – encourage your guests to bring a tin to your Big Lunch.

Big Big Lunches!
We’re excited about two very big, Big Lunches taking place in London – one massive street party at historic Piccadilly and an event organised by Start and the Old Royal Naval Collage in Greenwich. Are you lunching it large in your neck of the woods? Or, do you prefer the small, intimate option, share your plans on our social networks and help get the nations in the mood.


The Eden Project

Exclusive George and Flora recipes
To celebrate the upcoming release of the fantastic new Eden Project children’s book ‘George and Flora’s Big Party’ by Jo Elworthy, we are offering Big Lunchers an exclusive look at some of the fabulous street party recipes featured in the book.

Big Jubilee Dance
We’ve teamed up with Big Dance and 5-a-day Fitness who have produced The Big Jubilee Dance exclusively for this year’s event.


The Eden Project


Calling Welsh Big Lunchers!
Get to know your neighbours and make your street a nicer place to live with Keep Wales Tidy.
Community pubs
If you can’t organise your own Big Lunch this year, why not get together with your community down at your local?
Volunteers’ Week
The Big Lunch falls during Volunteers Week. Find out which organisations we’re working with and how you can take part.



The Eden Project

Big Lunch videos
Visit our YouTube channel ‘biglunch’ to see our fantastic new ad which you can embed in your own channels or share with others.


The Eden Project

Get the kids involved!
Sustrans have put together a whole host of Jubilee-themed activity sheets, packed full of great ideas for games and activities for children.


The Eden Project

Join Streetbank
Streetbank is the community sharing site with everything you need for your event, from tables to Tupperware, baking skills to badminton racquets.


The Eden Project

Deunyddiau Cymraeg
We now have Welsh language packs and leaflets available. Set up your Welsh lunch now.



The Eden Project  
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The Eden Project


The Big Lunch logo park

The Big Lunch is an Eden Project

© The Eden Project, Bodelva, St Austell, Cornwall PL24 2SG

The Eden Project is owned by the Eden Trust
Registered charity no. 1093070
If you would prefer not to receive future emails from us, please unsubscribe

So what do you need to do?

May 6, 2012

So it is 6th May today – only FOUR weeks until the Queens Road Big Jubilee Lunch Street Party, so time to update everyone.

What you need to do:

Ensure you enjoy a safe street party – keep an eye on your houses (lock doors) & your children’s safety!


A chair, crockery & cutlery for all of your attendees and this year TABLES for you to sit at – garden, tressle, pasting or dining will do – they’ll be lined up in true Street Party style.

Some food & drink to share with your friends & neighbours – savoury dishes from the post box side of the street OX16 0EB postcodes & sweet from the OX16 0ED side – please label any food with a description if it is not obvious what it is.

Some money to bid with at the Promises & Goods Auction – should be great fun!

Umbrellas, parasols & gazebos if you have them – to keep off the sun of course 😉


The street will be closed between 10am & 6pm and so we would ask you to kindly remove your cars from the street, ideally by 9am latest, so that we can set up for the street party.


If you want to enter a cake into the Diamond Jubilee cake competition you need to think about how you will DECORATE the best Diamond Jubilee themed cake as this year’s cake comp will be judged on looks rather than taste. The best one will win a prize & be auctioned off during the Promises & Goods Auction at the Big Lunch.

Start tidying up frontages and finding out the bunting & decorations as we again are going to have a prize for Queens Road’s best dressed house. It doesn’t have to be themed on the Diamond Jubilee but we are having a traditional street party this year so give it some thought !

The final competition is for the kiddies – we are going to ask them to paint / draw / colour a portrait of the Queen to celebrate The Big Jubilee Lunch being linked to the nationwide celebrations – again there will be a prize for the best one !

Going going gone!!

May 5, 2012

With less than a month to go we are intensifying activities to get everything ready for the street party.

One of the main elements of our Jubilee Street Party will be an auction of Promises & Goods so we are trying to get folks to donate their skills or items.

If you have anything to offer (suggestions below) please contact John Haywood at No.1 email
Tel 01295 257587


The Queens Road Big Jubilee Lunch Big Quiz

April 30, 2012


Hi all,

Firstly can I say a big THANK YOU to everyone who came along last Tuesday evening to Pinto Lounge for our now annual fundraising quiz evening.

I honestly think it has been our most successful quiz so far in terms of turnout, diversity of attendees & general publicity generated, with Twitter timelines being full of messages about people going to the quiz, having fun at the quiz and following it – I couldn’t keep up with all of them.

Whilst we did tweet live from the Big Quiz I thought it would be good to do a blog to capture for posterity what happened, who was there and most importantly who won.

We had 48 people in 10 teams, about half & half, Queens Road residents & teams from our contacts on Twitter / around Banbury.

Antony as usual had put together a very testing 6 rounds of questions ranging from the straightforward to the nightmarish, including a photo round with some real tricky faces to recognise.

Each round winning team won a spot prize (some kindly donated by Pinto Lounge) and there was a good spread of round wins across the 10 teams.

Competition was fierce & the lead passed from team to team during the first half with Steve & Jill Gold’s team leading at the halfway mark.

Some tricky questions were answered by the P4D team but they managed to put themselves out of contention by choosing the wrong Marvin Gaye song which lost them points and so the team sitting at the front of the room including Barry from The Artery & Sam from Books & Ink came storming through to take the quiz win.

The full results list, first to last:
1 Universally Challenged
2 Ruthless
3= Julie’s Gang
3= Queens Road Massive
5 Strictly Come Flouncing
6 Great Expectations
7 Team 76
8 Knickerbockerglory
9 P4D
10 Odd Bods

Thanks to Becky & her team at Pinto Lounge for hosting & the spot prizes and a huge thank you to Antony for setting and hosting the quiz.

Finally thanks to all who attended & dug deep to help us raise £117 towards the street party funds. If we have funds left over after our costs we are going to support a local old people’s charity but which one is yet to be confirmed.


The Queens Road Big Jubilee Lunch Big Quiz

April 22, 2012

So, 2nd post in one day !

A quick one to remind you of the Big Quiz we are holding at Pinto Lounge in Banbury this coming Tuesday 24th June @ 7.30pm.

Teams of 6 people max, £1 per head. There will be folks from Queens Road and the wider Banbury community including some local Twitter characters so should be great fun!

It is also Tapas Tuesday so you will be able to enjoy some great tapas & a glass of wine at a special offer price.

Look forward to seeing you!



Back in Blog

April 22, 2012

Hello everyone and as it is SIX weeks today until the 2012 Big Lunch Street Party I thought we should re-energise the blog with some posts informing everyone about what is going on and what you need to do, cook, bring etc to celebrate the 4th Annual Queens Road Big Lunch Street Party.

This year’s event is particularly brilliant as it is going to be really massive around the UK with the Big Lunch being a fundamental part of the Queens Diamond Jubilee celebrations on Sunday 3rd June.

For more info see

Clare’s blog about Queens Road Big Lunch 2011

July 7, 2011

Street party

Queens Road Big Lunch 2011 – Fun in the Sun

June 27, 2011

Well, phew what a scorcher – and the weather was pretty hot too !

Again, for a third year running the Queens Road residents came together on Sunday 26th June 2011 to eat lunch, to chat to old friends and meet new friends.

As always there were plenty of activities and a programme of entertainment and whilst I could list a number of highlights I’m sure you have your own – that is the great thing about our Big Lunch, everyone takes away from it whatever they want.

Our friends at have done us proud with a great video which sums up the day

What I do know is the feedback is overwhelmingly positive and supportive and whilst some residents choose not to participate (which is absolutely their right) I really hope that the day’s activities are responsible and respectful and that even those who don’t join us in our aim to generate some “human warming”, will respect the vast majority of residents’ desire to hold this event during one Sunday a year.

Whilst I have said that after three years I wish to significantly reduce my involvement in “project managing” the Big Lunch Street Party in future, the group of residents we were having a drink with yesterday evening are all keen for activities to continue and for more regular events to take place. Such events could  possibly be organised by a more formally structured residents committee / association, but I guess that is up to the street’s residents to decide, but what I will say is that I support the idea, if only to take some of the weight off my shoulders !!

So, who knows what will be next in terms of events / activities. Unlike previous years we have a month or so before the summer holidays start so maybe time for a follow up session to look at the photos and to exchange stories.

However the next big thing for the street is the new website  if you would like to be able to interact with your friends and neighbours and get together to make new and different things happen in the street, then sign up, load up your profile, set up groups and be active – don’t wait for someone else to do something you want to do – its your community after all.

One final though for the reason all of this started – see

Until the next event !
