Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Thanks Bloxham Photography

June 11, 2015 

What a great community day

June 9, 2015

So we were really lucky with the weather and it brought out the crowds to enjoy our Flower Power Festival themed Big Lunch street party.

We will post lots more but for now here is a lovely video made by Big Ant

One day to go and a couple of pictures to share…

June 6, 2015

Well done to Kate & Tracey for the boards again this year  


And thanks to Catriona at for making this for me as my contribution  


Flower Power Festival – Inspiration on Pinterest

May 31, 2015

Lots of ideas here!

Road Closure – Sunday 7th June

May 31, 2015

Cherwell District Council have sent us the official order for the road closure next Sunday, as below.


One Week to Go ! Flower Power Festival in Queens Road – Latest Info

May 31, 2015

These letters will be dropping through your letterboxes later this morning but just in case you mislay it, here it is for your reference.



In conjunction with Queens Road Neighbourhood Watch Scheme

Sunday 7th June 2015 12 – 5pm


 AS ALWAYS THE STREET WILL BE CLOSED FROM 10AM TO 6PM – so please be prepared to move your cars, as early as possible, ideally by 9am. Confirmed alternative parking for residents’ vehicles: Peoples Park car park, the Art College (opposite the end of Bath Rd) & Frank Wise School (just up Broughton Rd) – all at users’ own risk, of course. We may be able to use the car park at Woodgreen Leisure Centre (by library) but this is still to be confirmed. Wherever you park please respect other residents in the area & don’t give them reason to complain about Queens Rd residents causing chaos!

Whilst there is a team bringing the event together, this is your street party and so all support to set up on Sunday would be appreciated. We are volunteers not professionals and although we will have Public Liability Insurance, anyone attending is doing so in full understanding that everyone takes responsibility for a safe and responsible event. Please take care with your houses, keeping them locked at all times. Whilst the street party is usually a safe environment for the children, please remember it is your responsibility to ensure they are safe at all times, especially when they are using the bouncy castle.


  • We want the street to look great, so we are encouraging everyone to tidy up around the street in advance of the event and to decorate their own houses with flags, bunting, streamers, balloons or whatever you like.
  • AND the best dressed FRONT GARDEN reflecting the floral theme will win a prize.
  • It is a chance for some of us to relive our hippy youth & dig out our favourite floral shirt, loon pants or flowing skirt; we encourage everyone to dress up in appropriate flower power clothes but costumes are not compulsory!


  • As at other QR Big Lunches, lunch will be a shared occasion & once again, we are suggesting that houses with the 0EB postcode provide savoury dishes & those with the 0ED postcode provide desserts. You might want to go completely retro & dream up culinary creations from the 60s & 70s. It’s really up to you, but the emphasis is on Bring-&-Share!
  • To save on waste, please bring your own plates and cutlery.
  • Kate and Tracey will be manning the food tables if you have any questions on the day and they will put labels on the food to let people know what the dishes are and if suitable for vegetarians or contain nuts etc.
  • Alcohol is permitted, but please drink responsibly and consider other street party attendees.
  • The Queens Road Big Lunch Cake Competition again forms part of the fun this year – Who will win the cup this time? The challenge this year is the Best Homemade Cheesecake.
  • If you fancy having a go, bring your cheesecake to the stand on the day between 2.30pm and 3pm. An independent judge will choose the winner at 3pm.
  • There will be a collection for BYHP’s food bank so please bring a contribution if you can and place it on the table between no15 and no16. All items should be simple to use / eat by the young people who often do not have major cooking facilities.


  • Four live musical acts, and music from DJ Antony;
  • Children’s Zone in association with Halifax Bank with free face painting, flower power tattoos & coloured hair spray; Junk modelling with a prize for best model and goodie bags; (so please save and bring your cereal boxes, cardboard tubes and other interesting packaging for the children to use) and the ever-popular Bouncy Castle – for adults & children;
  • Big prize raffle; a fun backdrop to put your faces through for photos; Crochet display making flower garlands and maybe some retro races!
  • We are part of a wider Banbury community and so we are thrilled to have the participation of a number of local organisations – BYHP (the charity we supported in 2010) will be there making crêpes for you to purchase to help them raise funds, artist Barry from The Artery will be doing an art demonstration, Banbury Community Action Group will be showcasing their work and members of the Banbury Health & Wellbeing community will be doing free massages and Reiki in our Chill-Out Zone.



  • The Queens Road Street Party has always been a residents-only event and is not open to the general public. However, we allow residents to invite family and friends but we do expect that those additional attendees bring contributions to the food and drink and donate as they feel appropriate. We obtain insurance for up to 500 people so please keep the visitor numbers to a reasonable amount.
  • Many of the formalities & entertainments have to be financed, so if you wish to help with this please let us have your donation. Please put the donation with your name and address details into an envelope and drop them through Sue’s door at no 19.
  • Any monies raised after costs of The Big Lunch this year will be donated to Frank Wise School (who will be there on the day selling greeting cards and telling everyone about their great work) as will money raised from the raffle on the day. If you have a raffle prize to donate please contact Tim (82)


  • Tables will be provided but you will need to bring a chair for everyone attending from your household  and we suggest if you have garden umbrellas, parasols or gazebos then you should bring them – to keep the sun off of course!
  • Filming – photos and video – will take place on the day and published on and offline so please advise if you do not wish to be filmed.


For more information about the Neighbourhood Watch Scheme see or see Clare Taylor (32).


If you have any questions please contact the Organising Team via links on page 1 or see Tim (82), Steve (27), Tracey (86), Antony & Charlotte (51), Roger & Sue (19), Tina & Colin (14), Derrick & Brenda (28), Kate (47), Rosie (64), John (63), Clare (32), Liz & John (1), Gillian (76).



One Week to Go ! Flower Power Festival in Queens Road

May 31, 2015


Our fab we’re supporting poster by the very talented Dewi Thomas

Une journée magnifique !

July 15, 2013

Well, what a day it was yesterday – we had the luck to be blessed with fantastic weather which always has a big impact on the street party’s success and everyone who attended seemed to have had a great day.

Will blog a longer post later in the week once all of the photos have been collated but just to leave you with 2 photos from either end of the event.

Firstly Alan Butler, who with his wife Doreen is celebrating 50 years in Queens Road this year, cutting the ribbon to open “Le Big Lunch” and then some fireworks which we set off in the evening to ensure we had an authentic Bastille Day celebration, as no French fête on 14th July would be complete without “les feux d’artifices”.

Thanks to everyone who attended, helped organise, supported, donated goods or their own time to help us make the 5th Anniversary Big Lunch Street Party in Queens Road such a magnificent day.



Running Order

July 10, 2013

Here is the full running order of events and activities for Sunday’s Le Big Lunch street party. Thanks again to Dewi for his hard work on the graphic design.

Click to access Le%20Big%20Lunch_Menu.pdf

Queens Road Closure Notice

July 7, 2013

Please see below the closure order that Cherwell District Council have issued to enable us to close the street for the street party on Sunday 14th July.