So what do you need to do?

So it is 6th May today – only FOUR weeks until the Queens Road Big Jubilee Lunch Street Party, so time to update everyone.

What you need to do:

Ensure you enjoy a safe street party – keep an eye on your houses (lock doors) & your children’s safety!


A chair, crockery & cutlery for all of your attendees and this year TABLES for you to sit at – garden, tressle, pasting or dining will do – they’ll be lined up in true Street Party style.

Some food & drink to share with your friends & neighbours – savoury dishes from the post box side of the street OX16 0EB postcodes & sweet from the OX16 0ED side – please label any food with a description if it is not obvious what it is.

Some money to bid with at the Promises & Goods Auction – should be great fun!

Umbrellas, parasols & gazebos if you have them – to keep off the sun of course 😉


The street will be closed between 10am & 6pm and so we would ask you to kindly remove your cars from the street, ideally by 9am latest, so that we can set up for the street party.


If you want to enter a cake into the Diamond Jubilee cake competition you need to think about how you will DECORATE the best Diamond Jubilee themed cake as this year’s cake comp will be judged on looks rather than taste. The best one will win a prize & be auctioned off during the Promises & Goods Auction at the Big Lunch.

Start tidying up frontages and finding out the bunting & decorations as we again are going to have a prize for Queens Road’s best dressed house. It doesn’t have to be themed on the Diamond Jubilee but we are having a traditional street party this year so give it some thought !

The final competition is for the kiddies – we are going to ask them to paint / draw / colour a portrait of the Queen to celebrate The Big Jubilee Lunch being linked to the nationwide celebrations – again there will be a prize for the best one !

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