Archive for May, 2011

The Queens Road Big Lunch Charity Big Quiz

May 28, 2011


Latest Summary of Activities and Actions

May 19, 2011

The Big Lunch 2011 Summary of Activities

About time we updated everyone !

May 8, 2011


Thought that now we been busy for a few weeks on organisation we should give a summary of what is happening at this year’s Queens Road Big Lunch Street Party.

Date & Time: Sunday 26th June 2011              12pm to 5pm  (Street to be closed 10am to 6pm)


Elements of street party: Town Crier & his consort dressed as Queen Victoria will open the street party. We are encouraging everyone to embrace the Victorian Theme and dress in period costume and there will be prizes for the best child’s costume and the best adult’s costume. We also plan to have a competition for the best dressed house.

Food-wise we are asking everyone to bring food as per last year, OX16 0EB postcodes to bring savoury and OX16 0ED postcodes to bring sweet dishes to share with your friends and neighbours.

There is going to be a traditional lemonade stall and an ice cream stand.

We are also going to have a cake competition this year – but it is a Victoria Sponge Cake competition so real comparisons can be made !

Entertainment is still being worked on but we have a confirmed return performance from Kerry and Ryan from Applejack, a street magician, games for the children, a Mill Youth Theatre performance, art activities, a special seaside area with paddling pool, sandpit, one of those “put your face through and get your photo taken” boards and (hopefully) a punch & judy (still TBC). If anyone has any ideas for Victorian themed entertainment – and can help us arrange it – please let us know.

We are focusing on the historical element of the event with Derrick busy working on research about households which existed in Victorian times, the people who lived in the houses and we are going to try to link them all to the current residents to do a “Then & Now” type of display.

There is a team of residents in the street busy working on bespoke bunting for the street and everyone will be encouraged to donate at least a piece of bunting to be strung together.

As normal we are busy visiting residents to ask them if they are supporting and if they are attending. We are also asking for contributions of £10 per households (same as per previous years) and whilst not at all compulsory, they really help us cover costs and support a very worthy local charity, which this year is the local Banbury Branch of the Samaritans.

To help fundraising, we are again holding a fundraising quiz, this year at Pinto Lounge in Banbury on Wednesday 15th June at 7.30pm. £2 per head and teams of 6 max. Prizes still to be worked out and any donations / sponsors are more than welcome, as are any for the raffle and competitions. Please contact us to register your team!

We have a growing group of local businesses supporting us but as usual the more the merrier, so if you know a local company who would be prepared to support us in return for exposure to the Queens Road community and lots of advertising about their business then please ask them to contact us to discuss what they could do for us !

Finally, we have linked up with Oxbox TV, an online news channel for local Oxfordshire communities and they will be filming the event on the day and propelling the Queens Road Big Lunch into cyberspace.

Many thanks – any questions drop me an email or Tweet
